Ivanov School of Leaders Alumni Association - ISLAA | |
The Alumni Association is comprised of an Assembly, an Executive Committee and six Sub-Committees dedicated to the following segments: politics-law, economics-finance, education-culture, health, environment, and operations/human resources/public relations. Ad hoc committees may be established if ISLAA members find it necessary. ISLAA's Executive Committee is comprised of President, Vice-President, Secretary and four members elected by the Assembly. All Executive Committee members, except the President, are coordinators of respective sub-committees at the same time.
ISLAA has implemented several activities so far, in line with its vision and mission, and in line with the leadership values shared by the lecturers and trainers from the President's School for Young Leaders. In order to further the collaboration and relations among members, several seminars have been organized with preeminent lecturers from the U.S. and U.K., on topics such as "Theology and Political Leadership", "Manager vs. Leader", and "Leaders in the Limelight". The "Dream in Color" project was implemented with an aim to promote leadership, civic action and volunteerism among young people. In the spirit of leadership, ISLAA members hosted a blood drive, and implemented a "Typo-Portraits" project in order to represent U.S. exemplary leaders in a modern and original fashion. The Alumni Association makes frequent contact with all supporters of the School of Leaders and the ISLAA, to ensure the quality of current sponsors, international organizations and the vast number of domestic and foreign representatives of different associations. For more information please click on the following links: