Commission on The Youngest Scientist
The Commission on The Youngest Scientist is established for the purpose of implementation of the project of the President, Dr. Gjorge Ivanov, “The Youngest Scientist”, aimed to support science, scientific institutions and young scientific staff, as well as to stimulate investment in scientific development of the youth whose serious scientific achievements are to be rewarded adequately. This project has established a tradition to elect the best young scientist each year, and thus instigate young scientific and research thought in the Republic of Macedonia.
Namely, the project “The Youngest Scientist” provides a selection of a candidate, up to the age of 30 years, engaged in scientific research, who has achieved a scientific result in the previous scientific work, to be awarded with the title the Youngest Scientist.
The Commission on The Youngest Scientist was established in 2010 and is consisted of a Chairman and 14 members from the following institutions: • Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MANU) • Ministry of Education and Science • Public and Private Universities in the Republic of Macedonia • State Office for Industrial Property Protection • Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Macedonia • Representative of the economic sector
The selected Youngest Scientist for the current year will be awarded a special recognition and an award in the amount of 60,000 Denars by the President of the Republic of Macedonia. The Commission has already proposed to President Ivanov a candidate, holder of the title “The Youngest Scientist” for 2010.
The Public Call for applications for 2011 was published with a deadline for submission of documents by 31.12.2011.