The Best Youngest Scientist
Science is man-made and is most deserving for many revolutionary acts of humankind, many innovations which today make the world around us as it is, and many inventions which will change the world and the human life in future. The way we live is a creation of human brain, man’s dedication, creativity and intelligence transferred in the field of science. However, the horizons of science are unlimited, the problems of humankind are enormous, and the progress of our civilization is our inspiration and imperative. Taking into consideration the programme determination of the President of the Republic of Macedonia for support of science, scientific institutions and young scientists, as well as for finding ways to stimulate the investments in science, the Project “The Youngest Scientist” is realized. The idea is, through this Project, to establish a tradition for selection of the youngest scientist even in the forthcoming years. The project activities shall include all young people up to 30 years working in the field of science and scientific research, who have achieved certain scientific result in their current scientific work. The Project “The Youngest Scientist” foresees selection of a candidate who will receive the epithet “the youngest scientist” for 2011, as a motivation for the young scientific and research thought in the Republic of Macedonia.
Public Announcement for the "Youngest Scientist" Award
The honor “Youngest Scientist” is awarded by the President of the republic of Macedonia as an incentive for the young scientific and research thought in the Republic of Macedonia. The public announcement is extended towards all individuals who in the course of the current year have turned 30 years of age, and in their work to date have achieved scientific results that contribute to the positive development of the society and the environment they live and work in. Requirements: • received international award for scientific research; • received international recognition for scientific research; • received award for scientific research in the country; • received recognition for scientific research in the country; • published results of scientific research in a relevant international journal; • published results of scientific research in a relevant domestic journal; • applicability of the scientific research results. Proof for meeting one or more of the requirements: • Biography, • Realized projects during 2011 with which they apply for the award; • Proof for Macedonian citizenship. The required documents should be submitted in one print and one electronic version (CD). A right to participate have all the citizens of Republic of Macedonia who meet the requirements. The documents should be delivered to the Cabinet of the President of Macedonia by 31.12.2011 latest, at the address: Cabinet of the President of Macedonia Commission for Youngest Scientist Villa Vodno Aco Karamanov nn MK-1000 Skopje