Rights and Duties

The President of the Republic of Macedonia reflects state unity and represents the country at the international political scene, executes his rights and duties on the basis and within the framework of the Constitution and laws. The President is elected at general and direct elections by secret ballot. The mandate of the President is 5 years from the official swearing in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia.

According to the rights and duties established by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Macedonia, the President nominates a mandator to constitute the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, appoints and recalls by decree ambassadors and representatives of the Republic of Macedonia abroad, receives letters of credence and recall of foreign diplomats, concludes international agreements on behalf of the Republic of Macedonia, awards decorations and recognitions and grants pardons.

The promulgation declaring a law is signed by the President of the Republic of Macedonia and the President of the Assembly. The President may decide not to sign the promulgation declaring a law if he considers that it is not consistent with the Constitution or is not consistent with the international agreements, and to return it for reconsideration in the Assembly. If the Assembly adopts it by majority vote of all MPs, the President of the Republic of Macedonia is obliged to sign the decree. The President is obliged to sign the decree, if, under the Constitution, the law is adopted by a majority vote of two-thirds of the total number of MPs.

Among the competences of the President of the Republic of Macedonia is to nominate two judges of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia, two members of the Judicial Council of the Republic of Macedonia, and propose two members of the Broadcasting Council. The president proposes the Governor of the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, who is later appointed by the Assembly.

The President is Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Macedonia, he appoints and dismisses the Chief of Staff of the Army of the Republic of Macedonia, appoints and dismissed generals. He is also President of the Security Council of the Republic of Macedonia and appoints three members of the Council. The President also appoints and dismisses the Director of the Intelligence Agency.

The President of the Republic of Macedonia awards the title National Artist, on a proposal of the Minister of Culture, upon prior opinion of the Commission.

The provisions relating to the President of the Republic of Macedonia can be found in the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia (part III - chapter 2 and in other parts and chapters), as well as in specific laws.