Distinguished businessmen, Ladies and gentlemen, Dear friends,
I am honored to sponsor the Macedonian Quality Award for the fourth year in a row. This Award contributes to the production development of the Republic of Macedonia, improves the quality of Macedonian products, stimulates creativity, research and innovation in Macedonian companies, and it also helps the creation of recognizable Macedonian quality on the international market.
Behind this Award there is hard work, confidence and a vision to promote Macedonian quality. The Award is an additional encouragement to the ten winners to continue developing, to invest in their growth and progress and to work on their quality. They already are well-known brands and I believe that they will soon start conquering the regional, continental and world markets. Their success is a success of the Republic of Macedonia as well. Only with successful economic entities can we expect development of our economy, and consequently progress and prosperity.
I wish to congratulate the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce on the idea and its realization to present this type of award which is becoming а traditional event. In accordance with my competences and capacity as President of the Republic of Macedonia I always leave the door open for cooperation with the Macedonian companies abroad and the foreign companies in the Republic of Macedonia.
There are exceptional examples, among the members of the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce and among the present winners of the Award, of socially responsible companies which invest part of their profits for the needs of the community. That is undoubtedly a part of the Macedonian quality and values that we are promoting today.
Finally, I wish to congratulate this year's winners, and to the other members of the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce - I wish they achieve great results next year and, of course, to be part of the most successful ones which will receive the Macedonian Quality Awards. Allow me to use this occasion, seeing the end of 2018, a period when all expectations and hopes are directed towards the new 2019, to wish you all good health, happiness and success. May the New Year be fruitful, businesswise, and may it bring prosperity to the Macedonian companies, as well as recognition of the Macedonian quality.
Thank you.
