Condolences from the President of the Republic of Macedonia, Dr. Gjorge Ivanov, on the death of academician Blazhe Ristovski
Thursday, 29 November 2018 15:03
Distinguished citizens,
It was with great pain and sadness that I received the news on the death of the renowned Macedonian historian and philologist, academician Blazhe Ristovski. Although there are no words to compensate the loss in these sad moments, allow me to express my most sincere and deepest condolences. Academician Blazhe Ristovski spent his entire working life in scientific research of the historical and cultural development of the idea on the creation of a free Macedonian state.
He published several books and hundreds of scientific articles on the development of the Macedonian cultural and national thought, whereby the life and work of the most significant Macedonian cultural activists, such as Krste Petkov Misirkov, were brought closer to us.
As Vice-President of the first government of independent Republic of Macedonia, he set an example on how to defend the state interests. He was an example of a committed intellectual who had the courage to speak of even the most difficult issues for the Republic of Macedonia.
This is enormous loss for you, for the scientific and academic world, but also for me and the Republic of Macedonia. We will miss his wise advices filled with profound thoughtfulness of the Macedonian cause.
We will be eternally grateful for the work he left behind, for everything he wrote, created and inspired.
May he rest in peace!
Dr. Gjorge Ivanov