The first Macedonian officer sword of honor was promoted in the President’s Cabinet
Thursday, 08 November 2018 14:32   

znameThe President of the Republic of Macedonia, Dr. Gjorge Ivanov, today in the framework of the ceremony of changing the state flag, handed the first Macedonian officer sword of honor to the Commander of the Honor Battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Atanasovski.

The promotion of the first Macedonian officer sword of honor marked the 75th anniversary of the Day of the Honor Battalion in the ARM. With the first Macedonian officer sword of honor, the guard unit of the ARM performed today the ceremonial act of changing the state flag in the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Macedonia.

The author of the first Macedonian officer sword of honor is the Commander of the Honor Battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Atanasovski, and the sword is designed by the heraldic artist Stojance Velickovski.

An Army Representative of the Honor Battalion of the ARM noted that the sword will have ceremonial role in the welcome ceremony of senior guests, defense ministers, chiefs of general staff and within the ceremonies organized by the ARM.

zname2“Within 6 or 7 months, the first Macedonian officer sword of honors was finalized. The working group consulted the Military Museum, the Archives of the MOC and the IRC, cooperated with the Heraldic Society and the heraldic artist who developed the design of the sword. We cooperated with the Institute of Chemistry at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and we were entrusted with the mineral lorandite and incorporated it into the sword. Mr. Chkartov also gave us a sample of the ruby ​​that is also built into the sword’s handle. When all the elements were fitted, we organized the today’s celebration of promoting the sword before President Ivanov”, he said.

The heraldic artist Stojance Velickovski, the designer of the first Macedonian officer sword, said that the idea dated back a long time and that he has been conducting research in the field of heraldry for more than 3 decades.

“We created a team that worked for a long time on researching all the symbols that mean something about Macedonian history, tradition and culture. I had the honor to create the symbol of the military honor and to put all our symbols in visualization. First of all, I refer to our floral symbol Quercus macedonica, which is applied in the handle and the symbol of infinity taken from the golden mask of Trebenishta. The whole composition is adapted to represent the Macedonian history, culture and tradition, because the oak itself is a symbol that shows solidity, virtue, tradition and perseverance, and all these attributes belong to our Macedonian people and are placed in such a symbol that today was promoted during the ceremony in the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Macedonia”, Mr. Velichkovski said.

zname1The ceremonial sword is decorated with a unique Macedonian ruby ​​and the rare mineral of the lorandite of the Alshar mine. The decorative ornament of the sword is a golden glove, which in its shape is in the form of a plait and represents a symbol of infinity, and in the circular forms that are formed subsequently the sun appears as a symbol. The shape of the shield on the handle is inspired by the Macedonian oak, while its transparent segments symbolize the readiness and the aspiration of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia to build a modern and transparent army that will protect the sovereignty and integrity of the Republic of Macedonia.

In the framework of the official ceremony of changing the state flag, President Ivanov was presented with the first book “Honorary Guard of the ARM” dedicated to all members of the honor guard, whose author is Lieutenant-Colonel Ivan Atanasovski, and was promoted on the Day the of Honor Battalion of the ARM.

The official ceremony of changing the state flag in the President’s Cabinet was attended by students from four elementary schools from Skopje, Johan Heinrich Pestaloci, Kuzman Shapkarev, Gjorgija Pulevski and Braka Miladinovci, as well as children from the kindergarten “Cool Kids”.

The teacher Aneta Velkovska from the “Brakja Miladinovci” Primary School from Skopje emphasized that the presence at this event is of great importance and has practical application in the subject of the State regulation of the Republic of Macedonia, adding that they are trying to raise awareness in students to love their homeland, respect for the symbols of our country, Republic of Macedonia.

The ceremony of the change of the state flag is aimed at raising the feeling and respect for the flag of the Republic of Macedonia as a symbol of statehood of our country, Republic of Macedonia.

