On May 12, 2009, Dr. Gjorge Ivanov assumed the office of President of the Republic of Macedonia, and thus Ms. Maja Ivanova gained a very important social title - First Lady of the Republic of Macedonia. That role changed many things in the private life of Ms. Ivanova.
Given that the majority of the competences of the President of the Republic of Macedonia are in the sphere of country’s foreign policy, according to the diplomatic practice, Ms. Ivanova is involved and participates in international visits, which include first ladies of foreign states at bilateral, regional and multilateral level. Ms. Ivanova takes the necessary commitments responsibly, as well as numerous initiatives and activities in accordance with the interests and needs of the Republic of Macedonia and in compliance with the scope of her actions.

In a formal atmosphere during the meetings, as well as during the informal part reserved for private socializing, with her direct conduct, Ms. Ivanova, has established lasting friendships and strong contacts that she maintains on a regular basis. She was a generous host of several presidential families: • 13 - 14 October 2009, Villa Vodno, Villa Macedonia, Skopje - Official visit of the President of the Republic of Estonia, H.E. Mr. Toomas Hendrik Ilves and his spouse Ms. Evelin Ilves • 21 - 22 June 2010, Villa Vodno, Villa Macedonia - Official visit to the Republic of Macedonia by the President of the Czech Republic, H.E. Mr. Vaclav Klaus, with his spouse, Ms. Livia Klausova • 14 - 15 July 2010, Villa Vodno - Official visit to the Republic of Macedonia by the President of the Republic of Latvia, H.E. Mr. Valdis Zatlers and his spouse, Ms. Lilita Zatlere.
She has also participated in official visits to other countries, including: • 16 - 18 October 2009, Ankara, Istanbul - Official visit to the Republic of Turkey of the President of the Republic of Macedonia, H.E. Dr. Gjorge Ivanov, with his Spouse Ms. Maja Ivanova • 8 - 9 February 2011, Prague, Czech Republic - Official visit of President Ivanov and his spouse Ms. Ivanova to the Czech Republic • 15 - 16 February 2011, Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia - Official visit of President Ivanov and his spouse Ms. Ivanova to the Republic of Slovenia • 20 - 21 June 2011, Vienna, Republic of Austria - Official visit to the Republic of Austria of President Ivanov and his spouse Ms. Maja Ivanova • 6 - 8 October 2011, Bucharest, Romania - Official visit to Romania of President Ivanov and his spouse Ms. Maja Ivanova.

During President Ivanov’s participation at multilateral events, when Ms. Ivanova is accompanying her husband, she is regularly and actively involved in the events foreseen in the Spouse Agenda. • September 23, 2009, New York, 64th UN General Assembly - Ms. Maja Ivanova attended the luncheon hosted for the spouses of Heads of State/ Government/ Royalties (following the opening of the General Debate of the 64th UN General Assembly) by the Spouse of the UN Secretary General, Ms. Ban Soon Taek; the First Lady, Ms. Maja Ivanova, participated at the tea reception organized by the Spouse of the UN Secretary General, Ms. Ban Soon Taek, in honor of the spouses of Heads of Delegations attending the 65th UN General Assembly at the UN Secretary General residence; She accompanied President Ivanov at the official reception hosted by the US President Barack Obama and his wife Ms. Michelle Obama, in honor of the Heads of Delegations attending the 65th UNGA • September 24, 2009, New York, 64th UN General Assembly – President Ivanov and Ms. Maja Ivanova attended the reception for Heads of Delegations hosted by the US President, H.E. Mr. Barack Obama, and his wife, Ms. Michelle Obama • 18 - 22 October 2009, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv - Official visit to the State of Israel of the President of the Republic of Macedonia, H.E. Dr. Gjorge Ivanov, with his wife Ms. Maja Ivanova and participation at the Israeli Presidential Conference Facing Tomorrow 2009: 19.10. - Visit to Yad Sarah, a Jewish humanitarian organization, 20.10. - Ceremony of planting a tree in the Forest of Nations, visit of Yad Vashem Memorial Centre and a wreath laying in memory of Holocaust victims, 21.10. - Visit to the holy places in the Old City of Jerusalem • 31 January - 5 February 2011, Washington - Participation of President Ivanov and Ms. Maja Ivanova at the National Prayer Breakfast • 1 - 2 May 2011, Rome, Vatican - Attended the Solemn Mass on the occasion of the beatification of Pope John Paul II • 22 - 24 May 2011, Rome - Participation in the traditional manifestation “Macedonia Honoring St. Cyril”: 24.05. - Audience with the Pope, H.H. Benedict XVI, Meeting with the State Secretary of Vatican, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone • 27 - 28 May 2011, Warsaw, Poland – Participation at the 18th Meeting of Central Europe Heads of States; 27.05. – Meeting, lunch and dinner with the First Ladies, Ms. Anna Komorowski, First Lady of the Republic of Poland, Ms. Teuta Topi, First Lady of the Republic of Albania, Ms. Margit Fischer, First Lady of the Republic of Austria, Ms. Evelin Ilves, First Lady of the Republic of Estonia, Ms. Lilita Zatlere, First Lady of the Republic of Latvia, Ms. Svetlana Vujanovic, First Lady of Montenegro, Ms. Barbara Miklikj Turk, First Lady of the Republic of Slovenia and Ms. Tatiana Josipovic, First Lady of the Republic of Croatia; • 21 - 23 June 2011, Jerusalem, Israel - Accompanied President Ivanov at the Presidential Conference Facing Tomorrow 2011; Attended the plenary session and the reception on the occasion of the opening of the conference, Sightseeing of cultural and historical monuments in Jerusalem (Old City, Jesus Tomb, the Wall of Tears, Via Dolorosa, Olive Forest) • 29 - 30 June 2011, Sv. Stefan, Montenegro - Accompanied President Ivanov at the SEECP Summit and the Summit: A Dialogue among Civilizations. 30.06. –Cruise tour in the Bay of Kotor and mingling with First Ladies, Ms. Svetlana Vujanovic, First Lady of Montenegro and Ms. Radmanovic, Spouse of the Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

One of the activities of Ms. Ivanova attends once a year with special pleasure is the Christmas and New Year reception for the diplomatic corps to the Republic of Macedonia, which every January traditionally is hosted by her husband.
Part of Ms. Maja Ivanova’s everyday life are the regular meetings with the wives of the ambassadors accredited in the Republic of Macedonia, informal socializing as part of the long established practice in the diplomatic circles, events she attends and hosts with pleasure.